Email *
A. What are your strengths? (Building relationships, closing, cold calling, servicing, technical knowledge, etc.) *
B. Identify items you listed above which you have a driving passion to do. (Negotiations, developing strategic alliances, Selling big accounts, creating team atmosphere) *
C. Which of the items identified above are in harmony with your basic personality or behavioral nature—in other words, you don’t have to force yourself to adapt to them in order to excel at them? *
D. Identify the things about your personality that you believe to be strengths. (tenacious,very consistent, self-motivated, very grounded in spiritual beliefs) *
E. Identify the factors relating to your health that are strengths. (high energy level, good cardiovascular system, weight under control, low cholesterol) *
F. List any miscellaneous items that you consider to be strengths. (communication skills,long-term relationships, hobbies, etc.) *
A. What tasks or responsibilities do you dread doing due to the wide gap that exists betweenyour natural ability and personal aptitude and the ability and aptitude needed for the job?(Paperwork, procrastination, follow-up, communication skills, technical knowledge, bad habits, etc.)
B. What situations involving conflict create a clash between your natural behavioral styleand the style you must adapt to in order to get those jobs done? (Handling customerconflict, standing up to manager, getting support from company, etc.)
C. Do you have difficulty keeping business relationships separate from your personal life? If so, briefly explain. (get too friendly with my customers, co-workers, which has caused accountability problems)
D. Do you have an “I” mentality or a “We” mentality? (Work with others to accomplish goals,cover surgery cases, etc.)
E. Do you have difficulty imposing self-accountability? (no one is going to imposeaccountability on me and often I let things slide, often wait until the last minute to doimportant things, because I am busy putting out day-to-day “fires”)
F. Do you have knowledge deficiencies in areas where specialized knowledge is needed?(Product or technical knowledge, computer skills, etc.)
G. What are the physical or health-related challenges that may negatively impact yourjob? (Cannot stand for long periods of time, faint at the sight of blood, cannot carry large trays of instruments, etc.)
H. List any miscellaneous items that you consider to be selling challenge.
A. What do I enjoy most about what I do? (Interacting with customers, providing solutions,uniqueness of products, etc.) *
B. What do I enjoy least about what I do? (Paperwork, long-hours, dealing with customers,management, etc.) *
C. Other areas of enjoyment - What other involvements within your role give you the mostpleasure? (Mentoring others, field trainer, developing strategic plans, etc.) *
D. Work schedule - How much time do you want to work on a weekly basis? (40 hrs, 60 hrs,evenings, weekends and holidays, be on call, other) *
E. What is the total compensation package desired from your position? ($150,000 annualsalary, 3 weeks of travel each year, company car, etc.) *
F. What management/leadership style do you perform best under? (Supportive, developmental, open, straight shooter, available, leads by example, etc.) *
G. What management/leadership style does your performance suffer? (Non-supportive, judgmental, unavailable, poor communicator, micro-manager, bullies, etc.) *
H. What values do you require from your company and yourself? (Truthfulness in dealing with other employees and customers, fairness, quality product, etc.) *
I. What psychic rewards are important to you? (have leading company in industry, possess political influence, create high-paying jobs for employees, be honored by business community for achievements in medical device industry) *
100-Word Company Vision Statement *