
What you unearth in this worksheet may result in the modification—or even elimination—of some key factors in your Personal Vision Statement. This worksheet will lead you into a self-examination that determines the personal strengths you possess, the weaknesses that limit you, the opportunities that exist for you to take advantage of, and any possible threats against which you should make plans. An understanding of these four elements: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats—your SWOTs—will indicate whether you have what it takes to realistically attain each part of your Personal Vision Statement.

Self-examination can be difficult, but remember that self-awareness, as well as self acceptance, is important for the achievement of success.


Please answer all the relevant questions that pertain to your situation. Type your response to each question by placing your cursor in the space following each heading, before clicking the submit button. Thanks! 

Step 1 of 4

Exercise 1-A: Personal Competitive Edge Strengths

In examining your Personal Strengths, you must identify the greatest business strengths you possess that you also have passion to use, agree with your basic personality or behavioral nature and which can make a major positive impact on your company. These are your Personal Competitive Edge Strengths.

The first objective in finding your Personal Competitive Edge Strengths is to identify those areas where you perform at a higher level than the majority of people. Once you identify these areas, you must then determine whether you possess passion for doing them. Personal Competitive Edge Strengths must be in harmony with your basic nature or you will ultimately find them stressful; hence, you will not give your full effort. It is possible to successfully adapt to a skill, such as selling, and even become quite good at it even though you greatly dislike doing it. Again, regardless of how well you master a skill, it will never be a Personal Competitive Edge Strength if you do not also have passion for it.

Next, you need to determine the degree of positive impact each of these areas has on your company. For example, merely stating “good with numbers” is not a Personal Competitive Edge Strength unless you also have a passion for numbers, working with them is consistent with your basic personality or behavioral nature and doing so can greatly impact your business.

The following are areas to consider in developing your Personal Competitive Edge Strengths Statement, with examples shown:

Rank the following in order of importance for your company’s future with 1 being the most important. Then, write a short statement explaining the importance of the area ranked number 1.

• Charitable
• Company image
• Environmental impact
• Innovation/risk-taking
• Leadership in industry/profession/community
• Management approach
• Productivity
• Quality

Exercise 1-B: Personal Non-Business Strengths

Now you will identify the strengths that exist within your non-business life. These are your Personal Non-Business Strengths.

The following are areas to consider in developing your Personal Non-Business Strengths Statement, with examples shown:

The following is an actual Non-Business Personal Strengths Statement written by a business owner:

• Positive relationship with my wife, including open communication skills.
• Commitment to maintaining my mental and physical health.
• Open and interactive relationship with my two children.
• Have close circle of long-term friends who create positive support system.